While reading the comments from my last essay, I can see a few ideas where I can show improvement on my next essay. One thing that I can focus on is the intro paragraph. In my last essay, I sped up the intro and did not do a full introduction to the authors and text’s that I was discussing in the essay. I am going to make sure I lengthen the first paragraph by adding in each author and a short section about what they wrote about in their text’s.

Another aspect I am going to approach differently in this essay is making sure I work with the authors more deeply. I know, especially in my last paragraph, I talked most able me, and did not relate many ideas to other authors. I want to make sure in this essay, every time I hear an idea that reminds me of one of the readings, I will mention it and make sure I talk about it in detail.

The last thing I want to do different in this is to express my idea more fully. In my last essay, I would mention happiness, but would not mention the different types of happiness. In this essay, where I am taking about empathy, I will make sure to go into detail about what empathy is and how people do not show it.